Life doesn't get more sliced than this.
Tim, Tom and Jimbob are three friends living under the same roof and doing their best to survive one another's company. Tim and Tom are twin brothers constantly at each other's throats while the man of the house and father of one Jimbob tries to keep them in check.
The overall style is a mix of oldschool contemporary flair, silly slapstick, sharp wit, groan-worthy puns, brutal honesty, and a lot of heart. The characters may be somewhat faceless but that doesn't stop them from conveying emotion, physical or otherwise.
Also, butts.
Latest Comic
Looking Down in the Month
from the Series ‘The Legal Years ‘19 - ‘21’

Meet the Creator: Adam O’Keefe
Born February 22 1984, Adam developed a love for drawing at a very young age, aspiring to be a great cartoonist one day. Inspired by the likes of Looney Tunes, Ren & Stimpy, early Simpsons, and other various cartoon work, he developed his style over time and always wished to share his creations with the world any way he could.
Adam is mostly self-taught in regards to drawing, editing and creative writing, as well as learning how to storyboard and basic animation techniques, and will always strive for more.
In his spare time, he also enjoys video games (mostly a Nintendo fanboy, but not the toxic variety so don't worry), reading manga (mostly One Piece), some video editing, baking, hiking, and mostly letting his imagination run wild so he can draw what comes to mind later.